Tonner My Imagination Deluxe Basic Dolls are Shipping

My Imagination deluxe basic dolls will finally be shipping the second week of September. I couldn't quite help myself and had to order one! No, I couldn't really afford it (though they are currently at a lower price).

My Imagination 18" dolls are just gorgeous, and a partially ball-jointed version with trade-out wigs seems way way cool. I'll be doing a review on her like I did on the basic My Imagination doll once she arrives!

[Prices quoted reflect the market at the time of this post; they may differ from the item's current value.]


Ruby Dolling's picture

So excited! My shipping tracker says she'll be here tomorrow. Very excited.
Little Raven's picture

Ah lucky you, tomorrow! My tracker says mine will arrive on Wednesday. But yeah, so excited too. :)

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