Castle Chaos

Oops, I've been AWOL for a while trying to deal with everything at the homestead, or Castle Chaos--by which name it shall be known for the moment.
Besides persistent car problems making it very difficult to get here or there, when I need to get here or there (yeah I'm way too old for this) and little stray animals that keep making their adorable way to my home and tumbling about with little stray animals who made their way to my home 15 years ago and now just want to be left in peace, plus also trying to dress up, primp up (and pimp out?) and sell some of the literally hundreds of dolls who have taken over 90% of my living space, well, I've been a bit occupied. :)
The good news is I also have two new patterns in the works! Actually they're not-so-new patterns, but that I'm finally getting around to finishing up again. More on these very soon! Hang tight friends, I'll be back with a vengeance!
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