Startin' with Applejack

When I decided to add make plushie figures as part of the offerings at Little Raven Creations, I chose Applejack from the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as my first plushie endeavor. AJ looked like an easy way to jump into the plush making side of sewing and not having had as much experience with it, this seemed like a fun and easy option.
So for starters, I tweaked a generic MLP pattern I got from ValleyViolet to make it more Applejack-y and then found some nice embroidery patterns for her eyes, freckles, and cutie marks. Then I set up my beginner baby embroider sewing corner, hooking it up like the Borg to my old computer. And after watching about 400 You Tube machine embroidery tutorials (I forgot to mention I had never done machine embroidery before either) and messing up an obligatory number of times, I got this awesome AJ eye x2! Well I was ready to put my party pants on! Here's the rundown of my adventure in plushie making:

Finally, the mane and tail pieces are sewn and ready for stuffing. A second magnet is set aside for placing into Applejack's front mane to make her signature hat easily removable but still keep it in place.

But I'm not done yet! What's an apple-farming pony without her hat? The problem is I was unable to find a decent Applejack hat pattern, so I had to set aside my needle for a bit to draft my own. This involved a bit of trial and error, but in the end I think I got a pretty good custom-made, prototype cowpony hat. It might take a bit more tweaking in the future, but for now, it works.

Next? -- Pinkie Pie!
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