Custom Dolls

23" My Twinn Steampunk Dream

Some years ago, I found two 23" My Twinn rescue dolls on ebay when I was still learning about dolls. I completely fell in love with their look and set out on a mission to rescue and restore them. They looked a bit rough when they arrived. But I was eager to see what I could do with them and focused on the potential. [node:read-more:link]

LRC Custom Dolls

Two random dolls, because reasons. . .

Today my two random dolls were randomly selected from my list of custom dolls, LRC Charmers and The Cool Ones. They dont have names; they're both prototypes for future dolls.

Both the dolls use face sculpts by Pat Secrist (I adore Secrist faces!): Annette on the left, and Punkin the little princess on the right. [node:read-more:link]

First-Borns Part II

Onto Part II of my First-Borns Project. (Again apologies for poor lighting. I had zero% natural sunlight as the skies rained for days!)

So I had fairly good success with my first two First-Borns, English Boy and Punkin Princess (for lack of better names). So I grabbed another four blank heads and got to work on them. [node:read-more:link]

First-Born Customs Part I

Here's what been occupying me for the last couple of weeks: I had a whole lot of blank doll heads that needed some love and they weren't going away. Previously I had been focusing on cleaning up and restoring some TLC dolls I had picked up on eBay, listing them, selling, and trying to create some working space for myself!

LRC Fant'sy Frock in the Works

I got to painting my custom dolls when I realized I didn't have all the colors I needed. Apparently I thought I could paint the brows and lashes with flesh colors too! So after playing around with some blush and lip color, I set the heads aside and I ordered some more paints in the right colors.

They won't be here for a week maybe, so in the meantime, I started working on a new pattern, a fantasy-type frock. It will be perfect for a witch dress, and just in time for Halloween!

The Last of the Three Goes Home

Today I sent off the third and final AG doll I received as a group back at the beginning of my doll quest when I was just a little bitty baby doll newb. :) Back when I only had a MAG #42 and a Molly/ Emily retirement combo, a Laura Ashley doll, and a Madame Alexander, and decided I wanted to learn how to restore dolls. I saw an eBay auction for three AG fixer uppers, and well, I went for it.

I never thought at the time I got them that I'd ever want to sell them after fixing them up. . .
