LRC Doll Company

The Little Raven Creations Doll Company is born at last!
Well, I just received my first shipment of doll parts as a Secrist wholesaler, and wow, $500 worth of doll parts can sure fit into a small box lol. I suppose that's because its mostly heads and limbs, and you can get pretty creative in puzzle-piecing them into a small area. Its like doll part Tetris. :)
So here they are! I'm finally beginning on my journey towards my year long dream of having my own doll line! And it goes really well hand-in-hand with my custom clothing design project for creating very unique doll themes. I'm so excited! Lots of imagery and ideas are crossing my mind right now!
There's my original idea for a type of centennial kids doll line, having a boy and girl doll from each decade of the 20th Century who wear highly detailed and historically accurate fashions. But I may just start with a more casual approach, a "Kontemporary Kids" collection of chic-dressed youngsters, while I'm just getting started and trying out my new business legs.
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