Make Me Your Friend Lily

Make Me Your Friend Lily
Hobby Lobby formally had "Do-it-yourself-poseable-18"-doll-kits in four different models of different ethnicities. The Asian doll's name was Lily. Lily has long black hair (originally caught in high pigtails that might leave permanent bends in the doll's hair) with somewhat sparse hair plugs. She has pale skin and brown eyes. Her face mold is unique among the other MMYF dolls. The assembled body looks very similar to that of Springfield dolls, but with a long Velcro closure in the back.
Hobby Lobby retired these dolls kits a few years ago, so Lily may be difficult to find. Some of her doll-kit friends may occasionally show up on the secondary market for between $10 and $30 (original un-assembled price was $20) but Lily is extremely rare. (My Lily is the only one I have seen in a year and a half of browsing the markets. She was purchased for $15 in like-new condition.)
Hobby Lobby retired these dolls kits a few years ago, so Lily may be difficult to find. Some of her doll-kit friends may occasionally show up on the secondary market for between $10 and $30 (original un-assembled price was $20) but Lily is extremely rare. (My Lily is the only one I have seen in a year and a half of browsing the markets. She was purchased for $15 in like-new condition.)