The Fant'sy Vest is up on Etsy
Submitted by Little Raven on Sat, 2015-10-24 19:42

Several weeks working day and night with little break and my first custom pattern is live! This has been a very crazy experience, from first concept, to early drafts, to testing testing testing, digitizing, guidebook writing, and finally seeing it go live.
I never realized before how much work goes into pattern designing and creating. I have a heck of a lot of respect for those who have been doing it awhile. It probably gets easier over time. At least I'm going to hope it does. Either way, it was a lot of fun and a cool experience making The Fant'sy become a reality.
Next on the list--the skirt thingy she's wearing up there. ^^^. I have no name for it just yet. :)
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