Doin the NaNo Thing
Submitted by Little Raven on Sat, 2015-11-07 09:09

I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year again so things might be slow here for the month of November. What is NaNoWriMo you ask? National Novel Writing Month, where pain-seeking authors attempt to write an entire novel in a month! Crazy.
I actually consider myself an artist and a writer before anything else. I started out that way many years ago drawing pencil portraits for my teachers and friends and getting small change or lunch trades in return. ;) Then I went on to tackle oil painting and got a number professional portrait commissions as a teen and twenty-something. I was also enrolled in college and majored in Fine Art, Art History, and English Literature, because not only did I want to art, I also wanted to write.
I occasionally still do oil paint portrait commissions; likewise I currently have at about four novel drafts in various stags of completion. Granted, I was sewing doll clothes at age seven, before anything else, but I wasn't exactly running a business then. ;) I didn't get serious with that until recently.
So here I am doin' the NaNo thing for November. It's going to be a crazy month, though I'm hoping I can still get a little sewing done here and there throughout the madness!
I actually consider myself an artist and a writer before anything else. I started out that way many years ago drawing pencil portraits for my teachers and friends and getting small change or lunch trades in return. ;) Then I went on to tackle oil painting and got a number professional portrait commissions as a teen and twenty-something. I was also enrolled in college and majored in Fine Art, Art History, and English Literature, because not only did I want to art, I also wanted to write.
I occasionally still do oil paint portrait commissions; likewise I currently have at about four novel drafts in various stags of completion. Granted, I was sewing doll clothes at age seven, before anything else, but I wasn't exactly running a business then. ;) I didn't get serious with that until recently.
So here I am doin' the NaNo thing for November. It's going to be a crazy month, though I'm hoping I can still get a little sewing done here and there throughout the madness!
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