Fixing Pearl Part II

In Fixing Pearl Part I, I discussed some of the extra problems with Pearl's cloth body, and also one or two complications with her eyes.
But by the end of it, Pearl's body was intact again and she was wearing a new pair of grayish blueish hazelish eyes.
While I wasn't sure about these eyes at the time, I've grown to really like them since then. They're unique and I think they do suit her well. I also didn't want to risk damaging her brows any further, as they looked a bit faded after her eye swap. So I kept Pearl's eyes as they are.
Pearl's blush and general face paint was nice enough; no major issues with it. But I wanted her look to match her My Twinn friends' new softer look.
So I removed her old blush with a Magic Eraser sponge.
While I was at it, I went over all her vinyl to remove any residual dirt or substances. All my rescue dolls get an initial soap and water clean followed by a Magic Eraser once-over, so their vinyl is really clean.
Here's Pearl's clean scrubbed face ready for her new blush.
I chose the same light pink blush base that I used for Berkeley and Cai, and gave Pearl an all-over glow. I have her lips a bit of texture detail too.
Next I shadowed her eyes in a warm sienna and pink and outlined her eyes in brown-black, making them purposely a little more dramatic than the other MTs. I wanted a slightly dressier look for Pearl.
Her eyebrows were going to be the hard part. I wanted to keep the basic shape, but make them more dramatic. My plan was to mostly paint over them and adjust here or there if necessary.
This is the initial shape I went for. The look was bold and a little exotic, which is kind of what I wanted.
I actually really liked the brows at this point. I used a matte sealer to preserve her new face.
Eyelash time! Here's Pearl with her upper eyelashes applied.
Now with both upper and lower lashes done.
So with Pearl's new eyelashes drying and settling in, I looked her over and thought she looked pretty good.
But then the more I looked at her, the more she she began to look a bit severe. I guess I thought her eyes could be a bit softer.
Either way, I went ahead and gave her glossy lips and called her done. She's definitely a beauty with her dark hair and light hazel gray/blue eyes.
At about this point, I had to drop everything I was working on as some furniture I had ordered for my sewing/ work center arrived and I had to reorganize pretty much everything in my house!
It lead to a chain reaction with my having to rework three separate rooms simultaneously as I had to move things around like giant sliding puzzle lol. Plus as long as the house was being taken apart, I decided to KonMari the heck out of everything. . . not a small task.
By the time everything had calmed down again 2-3 weeks later, I had a much more efficient work area--and Pearl's eyebrows just weren't working for me any more.
So I did what I had to. I redid them!
Actually, I didnt re-do the whole brows, just the inner corners to soften her look a bit. I also lightened the eyeliner at the inner corners to open up her eyes more.
I'm so much happier with her now! The brows are much closer to their original shape, which I completely loved to begin with.
Pearl is one of the cool kids now. . . .
So the My Twinn project is now 3/4 of the way done.
I'm really pretty excited about it because I'm getting closer to the fashion phase of their rebirth. After the final 18" Twinn, Kim, gets her makeover next week, I'll be deciding on each of their cultural clothing. And that's a day I've been waiting for since 2015 when i started this quest!
Stay tuned for Part IV of my MT project, Fixing Kim, coming up next.

kay.shakespear@... (not verified)
Fri, 2019-10-11 10:52
Do you fix dolls eyes for other people
Little Raven
Sat, 2019-10-12 10:34
I Have
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