Doll Make

Molly P Originals Bobby and Dylan

Molly P. Originals Bobby and Dylan
In 2013, Me and Molly P dolls debuted their 18" Fashion Doll collection, which included two boys, Bobby and Dylan. 


They are soft-bodied articulated dolls like American Girl. Both have blue eyes and rooted hair, though Dylan is blond while Bobby is brown-haired. Bobby comes with a preppy button-up shirt, sweater, and red hooded jacket. Dylan is the rebel and wears a sweatshirt, black hooded jacket, and a brown beanie. All Molly P Fashion Dolls use same face sculpt (though it may have changed slightly since the dolls' debut).



It's unclear if Molly P's Fashion Dolls are retired; their website seems to be suspended. They are difficult to find but will sometimes show up on Amazon or other online markets. They can also be found on eBay (though often for inflated prices). Bobby shows up much more often than Dylan. Their cost can range wildly, anywhere from $25 to $125.

Best Friends Club, Ink CJ

Best Friends Club, Ink CJ
Best Friends Club, Ink debuted in late 2009 with their friendship-themed 18" super slim vinyl dolls. CJ, the only boy in the group, who's there to give "a boy's perspective" on things," may not have appeared until 2010 however. According to his BFC journal he loves skateboarding as well as most sports. His actual name is Charles James.

CJ, like other BFCs is a hyper jointed slim/ skinny doll. He bends at the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and also torso. Some Ball-jointed doll collectors have compared CJ and other BFCs to the very poseable BJDs. CJ has sandy blonde hair that is purposely styled "messy" and hazel-green eyes.

CJ looks surprisingly boyish; in other words, he's tousled and cute rather than pretty like some boy dolls. He originally came packed with a backpack, a skateboard and his journal.

CJ is definitely one of the rarer BFCs. When he does appear on markets like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon, his price reflects it. One might have to pay about $120 - $200 for a mint condition CJ, though he may go for somewhat less based on individual sellers.

Maplelea Friends Dolls

Maplelea KMF9 and KMF10
While the original Maplelea girls don't include an Asian doll among them (so far) two 18" Asian "Maplelea Friends" are available for purchase, KMF9 and KMF10. KMF9 has medium light skin, brown eyes, and long, straight, dark brown hair worn with bangs/fringe. KMF10 has medium light skin, brown eyes, and medium length dark brown hair with an off-center part. Both dolls cost about $100 CAD ($76 USD) from the Maplelea site, though they can also be bought at other online market places like Amazon or eBay for somewhat inflated prices.

Carpetina Ana Ming

Carpetina Ana Ming
There are two "Asian" Carpetina dolls, Ana Ming and Kohanna. Ana Ming is of Chinese ancestry with light skin, long black hair, and brown eyes. She retails from the Carpetina website for about $85. Kohanna is less of a standard Asian doll and more of a anime-type Japanese school girl so she does not have typical Asian characteristics.  Her hair is light brown/ auburn and her eyes are hazel. She also retails for about $85 from the Carpetina website. Both Ana Ming and Kohanna are slim 18" dolls