Who They Became
Submitted by Little Raven on Fri, 2018-11-02 19:21

Here's an update on this season's LRC custom dolls, and who they eventually became. . .
I posted this image of the completed group last month, though they weren't exactly complete as they had no identities yet.
So here is the updated group, with their new personas.
I'm pretty happy with all of them; they are who they were meant to be . . .
Well almost. I have a feeling one of them is not on point just yet.
Who? Well, I think they are all awesome just as they are; it's mostly the clothing and theme on one of them that I'm not 100% sure is what it should be. Otherwise, I love 'em!
So I'll probably be adjusting one or two things in the coming days and then posting the results.
In the meantime--I'm liking!

Dorothy in PA (not verified)
Mon, 2018-12-03 21:39
Little Raven
Wed, 2019-01-02 18:08
Dress Up
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