Learning the Faces

I've never really been adept at all the My Twinn face sculpts, and I'm always in awe of the My Twinn fans who can instantly identify any of the many 23" dolls on sight. It's possible I just never took the time to learn them, but with the exception of a few that stood out to me like Danielle and Madison and Kate (or Caitie) they have always been a bit of a mystery to me, especially as there can be different versions of some sculpts and the versions have different names. Tamsen and Berkeley anyone? Help!

But I have tried getting more friendly with the 18" sculpts, and so far I find them much easier to identify, go figure! (Plus there are fewer of them.) But I'd never gotten all that confident until recently when I dug up some of the old Twinn portrait grids I had gotten from the My Twinn site (when it was still around) checked and cross-checked the sculpt numbers listed against the names and faces found around the interwebs, matched them up, and got them all recorded at last. So I can actually tell who is who now--at least among the 18-inchers. (The 23-inchers is a whole different story!)

Here's the completed named and numbered grid which I originally took from the My Twinn website when it was only a grid of faces. Maybe it's just a little thing, but I'm pretty glad I finally figured out who's who and matched all the pictures with their proper names and sculpt numbers.


Sue S.'s picture

There is a great website called logansladies where you can access the face mold pictures, photos, and names for My Twinn 23", 18", toddler babies, and Cuddly dolls. They also have the history of My Twinn. Very interesting website.
Little Raven's picture

Logans Ladies is awesome. This is what I needed right here, thanks!
~~> http://logansladies.yolasite.com/face-mold-photos-23-twinns.php

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