New Kids on the Block

Wow, so it looks like both My LIfe As and Our Generation each have a brand new boy doll to compete with American Girl's Logan Everett!
These guys look really cute and I hope I get a chance to review one (or both) of them soon. The new My Life as a School Boy looks like a blond version of the Caucasian school boy by My Life as, but with a bookish flavor. I love it!
Our Generation's new boy Rafael is especially special in that I believe he is the first boy offering from Our Generation (Battat Jack was part of a separate collection, Collectors Lane Kids) so I'm really excited about him. Love his boyish expression.
I have to say I'm looking forward to meeting these guys. I hope it's sooner than later.
[Prices quoted reflect the market at the time of this post; they may differ from the item's current value.]
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