Our Generation
More Randoms
Submitted by Little Raven on Wed, 2017-12-06 15:50Review: Our Generation Rafael
Submitted by Little Raven on Sat, 2017-10-14 17:00This week I'm really happy to be reviewing Target's Our Generation new boy doll Rafael!
is pretty special because he's the first ever Our Generation boy doll. He's not, however, the first boy from Battat, the company who makes Our
Generation dolls. In the 1990s, Battat had another 18" doll collection
called Collector's Lane Kids, which included one boy doll and four girl
dolls. [node:read-more:link]
New Kids on the Block
Submitted by Little Raven on Wed, 2017-08-16 22:18Wow, so it looks like both My LIfe As and Our Generation each have a brand new boy doll to compete with American Girl's Logan Everett!
These guys look really cute and I hope I get a chance to review one (or both) of them soon. The new My Life as a School Boy looks like a blond version of the Caucasian school boy by My Life as, but with a bookish flavor. I love it!
Our Generation's new boy Rafael is especially special in . . . [node:read-more:link]
It's Going. . .
Submitted by Little Raven on Wed, 2016-03-30 15:35Our Generation May Lee and Suyin

Previous to May Lee and Suyin, Our Generation may have offered few or no Asian dolls, although they are currently both sold through Target and retail for about $25. However not every Target store will carry them and they may need to be ordered through Target's website.
Battat, the company behind the Our Generation dolls, previously offered at least one other Asian doll that is rare to find today. Her name is unknown. She had light skin, brown eyes, and black fringed hair. She can sometimes be found on the secondary market for varying prices.

OG's New May Lee
Submitted by Little Raven on Thu, 2015-08-20 10:49I believe this is the first or second Asian model offered by Our Generation, and she's adorable! I'll be honest, I haven't always been that taken with Our Generation dolls. But I got one or two for my AG Friends series and this blonde started to kind of grow on me. Later I picked up Alejandra and couldn't believe how unbelievably cute she was--like how could I have ever though OGs were anything but adorable?!
Battat Our Generation
Submitted by Little Raven on Fri, 2015-03-20 22:28Our Generation dolls are probably the most prevalent and popular AG doll alternative around, successfully selling its 18" cloth and vinyl dolls since the late 1990s. According to Battat, Our Generation is about "girls growing up together and creating the narrative of an extraordinary generation." [node:read-more:link]