Tonner My Imagination Deluxe Basic Dolls are Shipping
Submitted by Little Raven on Fri, 2016-09-02 10:21

My Imagination deluxe basic dolls will finally be shipping the second week of September. I couldn't quite help myself and had to order one! No, I couldn't really afford it (though they are currently at a lower price).
My Imagination 18" dolls are just gorgeous, and a partially ball-jointed version with trade-out wigs seems way way cool. I'll be doing a review on her like I did on the basic My Imagination doll once she arrives!
[Prices quoted reflect the market at the time of this post; they may differ from the item's current value.]
Ruby Dolling (not verified)
Sun, 2016-09-11 19:04
Me too!
Little Raven
Sun, 2016-09-11 20:53
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