What Time is It?
Submitted by Little Raven on Thu, 2018-10-11 13:09


Of course It's time for another round of LRC custom dolls. . .
I'm really excited about this new round of customs because I'm trying out some new designer eye colors and testing new wigs that I hope to be available on the LRC Dollmaker app.

I'm totally in love with the gorgeous new eye colors. They add a depth and realism I don't often see in 18" play dolls.
And the cool thing is there are countless styles and colors to choose from--even some awesome fantasy styles that could contribute to making very cool 18" elf or fairy dolls! But shhh, don't tell anyone I'm planning this yet. It's still a secret. ;)
It's always fun watching these custom cuties come to life from blank sculpts to fully fleshed out dolls. Here's my newest English and Jackie sculpts coming out of the oven between baking sessions to set their layers of color.
It's so amazing to see how small finishing touches like eyelashes can bring a real warmth and life to a doll's face.
Here's the latest lineup of finished heads.

Here they are stuffed, assembled, and ready for their new wigs and new identities. Who will they be? Sometimes I don't know myself until the right wig suddenly clicks. Other times they are completely planned, even before the blank sculpt arrives.
For this batch, I'm not 100% sure yet. It will be interesting to see who they end up being.
Donna Fox (not verified)
Wed, 2018-11-07 00:05
Custom made dolls
Little Raven
Thu, 2018-11-08 21:41
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