Review: New Adventures 14" Style Girls: Part III

Onto Part III of my review of 14" Style Girls/ Style Dreamers dolls!
As I talked about in Part II of my review, looking over Big Lots Piper and her twin Melanie from Burlington, I still wasn't clear on the differences, if any, between the dolls. Style Dreamers Melanie had nicer hair than Big Lots Piper, and so did Style Dreamers Charlie. On the other hand, Big Lots Skylar's hair was nicer overall.
Charlie, Skylar, and Piper
I decided I needed a a bigger sample of both Play Zone and Style Dreamers. ;) So after a few misses on Maisie/ Quinn (read about my adventures here) I finally got one of each to get a better look!

At least in the case of my personal Maisie, she has awesome silky shiny hair. Of course it isn't the same quality as say, a Wellie Wisher doll, but it's really quite nice for a discount doll. I feel she has the nicest hair out of all my 14" Style Girls, at least among the straight-haired ones. (Skylar's long, soft, bouncy curls is the prettiest of all of them, in my opinion.)
Here is Maisie with her hair spritzed and combed through.
Hm, does she have slightly uneven eyes?
Maisie and Quinn have their own unique "speckly" iris pattern in their bright blue eyes. Here is a closeup of all the Style Girls dolls' eyes, showing the individual patterns in the iris, depending on the color.
These dolls have the prettiest, most expressive eyes and faces!
I love that Maisie has a back part. She can rock pigtails when she likes, but also looks good with her hair down. In fact I wish all the dolls had a back part!
Here are Maisie and her Playzone twin Quinn. They both have really pretty hair. I noticed however that Quinn's is significantly thicker.
They both have a back part. It's interesting that only these two would have a back part, since all of the straight-haired dolls come from the factory with two pigtails in some form or another. Why not give them all a back part?

Gosh these girls are cute!
I kept trying to decide which of them was cuter. First I would first think Maisie was cuter, then it was Quinn. Then I just gave up!
They're all cute. Just grab whichever one you can. :)
Here's Maisie wearing her stylish t-shirt with peekaboo shoulders and a gold sequined heart applique. She has super cute blue woven pants with hearts, flowers, and rainbow clouds. The pants have an elastic waist and the t-shirt Velcros up the back. She's also wearing a pink and blue pompom headband. Her gold shoes match her gold heart applique. I think Maisie's is my favorite outfit out of all the dolls. :)

Like her twin Quinn, Maisie has a lilac-colored vinyl backpack.
Quinn wears a blue satin bow headband and the cutest unicorn decal on her shirt dress.
Quinn is the only doll out of both brands to have straps on her metallic pink shoes. I'm not crazy about the dress style, but I love the unicorn detail! It's done very well. I love that the shoes have straps to keep them on. I wish all the dolls' shoes did!
Looking at them closely, I noticed Maisie has a higher forehead than Quinn. It's a small difference, but I can see it. At this point I'm also fairly convinced that Quinn's right eye is crooked. What is it with these two and crooked eyes?
Maisie and Quinn
All of the dolls, regardless of which brand, seem to have varying hairlines (the distance between the brows and the front hairline). Skylar has a low hairline. Charlie has a very high hairline. It's probably random and any doll can have any of a set of characteristics like varying skin tone, thicker eyelashes, smoother hair, higher hairline, etc.
14" Style Girls/ Style Dreamers have rooted hair that comes in black, dark brown, medium brown, and blond. Their vinyl color comes in dark, medium, or light.
Style Girls/ Style Dreamers have full vinyl bodies that are rather lightweight, hollow plastic compared to more expensive 14" dolls like Wellie Wishers or Hearts for Hearts Girls. They may not stand as balanced or as evenly. Some 14" Style Girls lean noticeably to one direction when they stand.
Some may have uneven eyebrows. Some of them may even have slightly wonky eyes. (I'm still deciding if I should try to re-position Maisie's and Quinn's eyes!) But in general, their inset eyes are quite pretty for inexpensive dolls and come in sparkly brown, realistic brown or green, or speckly blue.
A few dolls may have small chips in the face paint or small scratches on the vinyl. Check each one carefully before buying!
Some may have slightly frizzy hair, or arrive with a few loose or dangling strands. Still, most seem to have fairly nice hair for $15 dolls.
On the whole, Style Girls/ Style Dreamers are extremely cute, fashionable, and mostly intact. ;) They are easily worth the $12-$15 one would spend on them.
As to which brand is "better"? That comes down to individual preference; the quality is fairly equal between the two brands. In some cases the Style Dreamers dolls seem better made; in other cases, the Play Zone dolls do. They really are the same dolls, just in different packaging. Actually, whichever you can find is the best, as they can be difficult to get your hands on!
Like I mentioned in Part I, 14" Style Girls are a very good match for Wellie Wishers and other popular 14" dolls; their vinyl bodies are fairly close in size. Here is Charlie with Wellie Wishers Ashlyn and Hearts for Hearts Girls Consuelo. Charlie poses most like H4H Consuelo, especially with the tilted neck, but she is much closer to Ashlyn in overall body shape and size.
Style Girls are nearly identical to Wellie Wishers in body shape and size and were definitely patterned after them. They are also a decent match to Hearts for Hearts Girls, although H4H dolls are just a bit smaller in the chest, arms, shoulders and calves. They still seem to be able to share most clothes. However, it's possible some H4H clothing will not fit 14" Style Girls. (H4H also have slightly longer feet.)
They are also a very close fit with Glitter Girls by Battat. Here is a comparison of all four doll's body types. It seems to me that 14" Style Girls bodies are based on Wellie Wishers bodies; even the underwear line is the same. Their measurements are very close, with the exception that they are a little narrower in the hips.
Here is a random clothing exchange between the different dolls. They are all able to wear each others' clothing. H4H Tipi's clothes fit Maisie a little snug in the calves, but Maisie is still able to wear them. WW Ashlyn is able to wear H4H Lauryce's dress with no problem, though the dress does not fit her as loosely as it is does Lauryce. Glitter Girls clothing fit 14" Style Girls/ Style Dreamers flawlessly.
I've grown so attached to these sweet little dolls, plus their affordability makes them extra appealing. I ended up collecting all of them! They may be hard to find at times but IMO they're worth it.
Peggy (not verified)
Sat, 2019-04-20 14:09
Bumbleberry Girls 15" hard body dolls with cloth torso
Little Raven
Thu, 2019-04-25 11:25
That's interesting. . .
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