Full Vinyl

Review: My Life As School Boy

I couldn't wait to get my hands on CitiToy's My Life As School Boy, although I guess I'm a little late to the party. They debuted last year!

Actually, when I originally began this review, I only had the Caucasian doll. But I held off completing it until I tracked down the African American doll to get a more complete review in the end. Good things come to those who wait.


Anna came to Ravenhome from Germany to learn English and meet other girls her age with whom she could attend school (which she loves!). Anna is twelve years old, very smart, and has already struck up close friendships with Dee Dee and Nina, her "besties" and partners in crime. Her English is actually quite excellent now; even her American friends will sometimes ask her for the meaning or spelling of an English word they aren't too sure of!