Review: Our Generation Rafael
This week I'm really happy to be reviewing Target's Our Generation new boy doll Rafael!
is pretty special because he's the first ever Our Generation boy doll. He's not, however, the first boy from Battat, the company who makes Our Generation dolls. In the 1990s, Battat had another 18" doll collection
called Collector's Lane Kids, which included one boy doll and four girl dolls.

Battat's First Boy Doll: Jack
I had to do a double take a couple of months ago when I first spotted this guy online and saw the Our Generation logo. An OG boy?! Cool! I definitely planned to review him as soon as I could manage to get him. I couldn't find him in the stores, so I ended up having to order him from the Target website.
But once he was free I could get a better assessment of him.
He has the most beautiful pale aqua-green eyes! And that face! What a cutie. Although he definitely looks boyish, Rafael has a kind of "pretty" boy look with his wide eyes and calm, sweet face. He has a neutral, but friendly close-mouthed expression that is natural and appealing.
One unusual thing I discovered about Rafael is his "crunchy" hair. He was apparently given a generous amount of styling gel to "shellac" the hair in place. It literally crackles when you touch it! And as you can see, the gel wasn't too successful at holding the hair in place--at least in my doll's case. Hair was sticking out here and there and everywhere. I kept wondering if I could just comb it out, or if I was going to have to actually wash it.

Daisy (not verified)
Wed, 2017-11-01 11:53
Great review. I wonder what
Little Raven
Thu, 2017-11-02 00:43
It's true, some Jacks don't have the most natural looking eyes. They're also too reflective in certain light, like the back of a bike. Poor Jack. Rafael is an improvement. :)
E (not verified)
Fri, 2018-05-11 16:32
A very thorough breakdown of
Little Raven
Sat, 2018-05-12 15:43
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