Learning the Faces

I've never really been adept at all the My Twinn face sculpts, and I'm always in awe of the My Twinn fans who can instantly identify any of the many 23" dolls on sight. It's possible I just never took the time to learn them, but with the exception of a few that stood out to me like Danielle and Madison and Kate (or Caitie) they have always been a bit of a mystery to me. . .

Fant'sy Pirate

Here's the pirate version of the Fant'sy Frock dress--I'm pretty happy with it!

This dress is pretty awesome because it can easily change themes--with a few fabric and minor detail switches--from a witch, to a pirate, to a princess, to Steampunk look, etc. I plan on making a version of all of these to showcase the versatility of this design.


Fant'sy Frock testing: now that I got it together in the actual fabric, I'm thinking it needs adjustments. Go figure, I can't always see it until I reach this stage.

So I'm not 100% sure about the sheer hi-low train thingy. Maybe in the main fabric it will work better. But it's got something. . .

Embroidery floss as a temporary laceup, didn't have the right cording.
